Have a read through these tips to help you stay happy and safe on the internet.
Be careful about what you share online
If an embarrassing
photo of you finds its way on to the internet, it can damage your reputation or
affect your social life. Once it is on the internet you can´t take it off, so be careful.
Make sure
you don´t display your personal information openly on social networking sites
like tuenti or facebook, you can never be sure who may be able to access it. Never post details like addresses, phone numbers or other personal data. It is best to remain anonymous by using a screen name.
Be careful who you talk to
Make sure you know who it is you are talking to on the internet especially if you chat using sites where people can remain anonymous. Have you ever seen the T.V. show on MTV, Catfish: Mientras en la red?
Make sure you know who it is you are talking to on the internet especially if you chat using sites where people can remain anonymous. Have you ever seen the T.V. show on MTV, Catfish: Mientras en la red?
If you have you might think twice before meeting someone you have met on the internet because they could not be who you think they are. If you are concerned about any communication you have on the internet, tell your parent or teacher.
Avoid inappropiate material
In many ways the internet is just like an enormous library, full of information for all purposes. But in the library ,we have special sections for children that don´t exist on the internet.
Here in the library we have some filters in place to help kids browse the internet more safely, but you can´t be too careful. You can help yourself avoid information you don´t want by being careful of your spelling and not clicking on anything you are unsure of.
Be careful what you download
Don´t open
something if you are not sure what it is or exactly where it came from. E-mail
attachments and files from websites are not always what they seem.
Don´t make passwords too obvious.
Add some numbers or punctuation marks into your password to make it harder to guess.
Look after yourself!
Be careful
not to strain your eyes or your wrists while using the computer. If you feel
any tension, take a little break!
If you are interested in reading more, you can find this simple information book in the Biblioteca Elemental, or you can read the following two stories about peoples misadventures on the net.
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Happy surfing!
Mr Kieran