lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

How to make an Origami Crane

Hi Folks!

Having any trouble making your crane? 

Watch an expert at work!

Good luck!
Miss Marie

School Day of Non Violence and Peace

Hi folks!

Welcome to our first Bibliobulletin post!

This week in the Biblioteca Elemental we´ve all gone crazy about making origami cranes. Like this one:

"So, what´s all this about then?" I hear you say.

Well, Wednesday 30th January is the School Day of Non violence and Peace started by Llorenc Vidal Vidal a Spanish poet and pacifist.  Here is one of his poems:


En este mundo de clanes y de fanáticos,
practiquemos la tolerancia...

En este mundo que rompe los derechos y los deberes,
salvemos los derechos humanos...

En este mundo lleno de odio y de rencores,
sembremos semillas de amor...

En este mundo donde reinan las discordias,
vivamos como buenos hermanos...

En este mundo de exilio y de violencia,
cultivemos en los corazones la vida...

En este mundo de guerras y miseria,
edifiquemos la paz...
(Revista cultural Tántalo, n.º 56 Cádiz, 2010)

Learn more about Llorenc on his official website click this link
"Yes, but how do you make a paper crane? And what are they to do with the School Day of Non-violence and Peace?" You´re probably thinking.   Well here´s how:
 And you can read the sad and true story of the One thousand paper cranes for peace here: click this link
 "I will write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world"
Sadako Sasaki

You can help to spread world peace by coming and making a paper crane in the Biblioteca Elemental this week or write a peace poem for our display. 

Check out our peace collection in the library just type "peace"  as your keyword into the find box of the Online Library Catalog click this link

The list includes such gems as Peaceful heroes by Jonah Winter about people willing to die for a cause but not to kill.

JB 920 WIN pea

May you have a peaceful week!

Ms Marie Curtis