martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Farewell Canada!

Dear Readers,

Call # A SPA sea
It is with a certain sadness that we say farewell to our exploration of the wonderful nation of Canada! I am sure Canada will stay in our hearts and minds and who knows we might even get to visit or live there one day!
We had a lot of fun in the library working with groups from year 5 and 6 to put together the shadow puppet production based on Andrea´s Spalding book  Seal Song

Here are a few photographs from behind the scenes.
Photos are courtesy of great photographer Guillermo Aguilar Vásquez

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If you would like to read some more stories from Canada take a look at one of our new books Suddenly they heard footsteps by one of Canada´s best storytellers Dan Yashinsky.  This book also gives you some great tips on becoming spell-binding storyteller!

Bye for now

Miss Marie

viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013

Jornadas Nacionales en el Colegio de San Francisco de Paula

Japón 2010
dedicadas a la pintura 2009
Jornadas Comunidad Andina 2011

Kamishibai Man and Mamatoro 2010

Biblioburro 2011
Como es ya tradicional en el colegio, cada año, los últimos tres días de clases en diciembre están dedicados a la celebración de un país del mundo, al que los alumnos viajan a través de sus propias investigaciones y creaciones realizadas durante todo el primer trimestre escolar. Durante estos tres días los alumnos asisten con sus grupos a diferentes actividades organizadas por los diferentes departamentos académicos e interpretadas por los propios alumnos con apoyo de sus profesores.
Polonia 2012
Comunidad Andina
Hide Matrioskha Hide! 2012
Baba Jaga 2012

Desde que llegué al colegio el 2009, me ha tocado participar en las Jornadas de la Pintura (2009) donde organizamos una gimkana de pintura en la biblioteca; las Jornadas de Japón (2010) donde se realizaron cuentacuentos a los alumnos de 1º a 4º con el concepto del Kamishibai Man; las Jornadas de la Comunidad Andina (Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia) 2011, donde se decoró la antesala con la cordillera de los Andes, se hicieron cuentacuentos con el Biblioburro y se organizó una leyenda maya en la Biblioteca.

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CDU: 325 MIT pie
El año 2012 comenzamos nuestra colaboración con el Depto. de Inglés en las Jornadas de Polonia y montamos la obra de Baba Jaga con el apoyo de alumnas de Bachillerato y la actuación de alumnos de 5º y 6º de primaria (¡3 elencos, 33 alumnos en total!) y, finalmente este año, las Jornadas de Canadá (2013). Este año, en Biblioteca por segundo año consecutivo, se trabajó con el Depto. de Inglés, para ofrecer a los alumnos un mosaico de las experiencias vividas por los inmigrantes de origen británico e irlandés en Newfoundland. Se comenzó con la llegada de los inmigrantes a Pier 21, interpretada por alumnos de 1º y 2º de Bachillerato bajo la apasionada dirección de Mr. Mummery.

Ubicación: Álbum en inglés BE: A SPAL sea
Luego se mostró un video hecho por los alumnos de 5º de primaria, para continuar con la producción de teatro de sombras de los alumnos de 5º y 6º de primaria basado en el libro de Andrea Spalding Seal Song. Finalmente, los alumnos de 5ºD, bajo de la dirección de Mr. Angus nos deleitaron con danzas de graneros canadienses de origen irlandés y escocés. Ms. Marie publicará más adelante una entrada especial de la producción de teatro de sombras.

A continuación los dejo con una muestra visual de las JJNN de Canadá en Biblioteca con fotografías del gran fotógrafo Guillermo Aguilar Vásquez.

jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2013

Christmas Cards!

Dear Readers

The past couple of weeks have been a lot of fun in the library.  Year 2 have been making Christmas cards to send to England!  They sent the cards to boys and girls from Mr Meadows class at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School in Moreton, Wirral, which is in the North of England.

This week we received a big package in the post, it was from England and full of Christmas cards! Here are a few photos of the year 2 classes with their cards:

Bye for now and here´s wishing you a very happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

Miss Marie

sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

Nelson Mandela 1918 - 2013

Dear Readers

You will know I am sure that the great African leader and statesman, Nelson Mandela has died peacefully at the age of 95.
"A light has gone out in the world", was one of the many tributes paid to him by World leaders.

Nelson Mandela was born in 1918 in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.  He devouted his life to the fight against the enforced segregation of black and white people in the system know as "apartheid".  He was imprisoned in 1962 for his political action and spent 27 years of his life in prison, many of these years in solitary confinement.

People all over the world campaigned for his release and an end to the apartheid system.  Finally in 1990 Nelson Mandela was released from prison and in 1994 he was elected President of South Africa.  He worked to rebuild his country without showing any bitterness towards his former jailers.
I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the idea of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and achieve, but if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.
Nelson Mandela, from his defense speech during his trial for sabotage and treason in 1964.
A truly inspiring life. Long may his memory live!

You can read more about Nelson Mandela´s life in the biographies we have in the Library.  Click here for the Library catalog.

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jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Safe Surfing!

Have a read through these tips to help you stay happy and safe on the internet.

Be careful about what you share online

If an embarrassing photo of you finds its way on to the internet, it can damage your reputation or affect your social life. Once it is on the internet you can´t take it off, so be careful.

Make sure you don´t display your personal information openly on social networking sites like tuenti or facebook, you can never be sure who may be able to access it. Never post details like addresses, phone numbers or other personal data. It is best to remain anonymous by using a screen name.

Be careful who you talk to

Make sure you know who it is you are talking to on the internet especially if you chat using sites where people can remain anonymous. Have you ever seen the T.V. show on MTV, Catfish: Mientras en la red?

If you have you might think twice before meeting someone you have met on the internet because they could not be who you think they are.  If you are concerned about any communication you have on the internet, tell your parent or teacher. 

Avoid inappropiate material

In many ways the internet is just like an enormous library, full of information for all purposes. But in the library ,we have special sections for children that don´t exist on the internet.

Here in the library we have some filters in place to help kids browse the internet more safely, but you can´t be too careful. You can help yourself avoid information you don´t want by being careful of your spelling and not clicking on anything you are unsure of.

Be careful what you download

Don´t open something if you are not sure what it is or exactly where it came from. E-mail attachments and files from websites are not always what they seem.

Don´t make passwords too obvious.

Add some numbers or punctuation marks into your password to make it harder to guess.

Look after yourself!

Be careful not to strain your eyes or your wrists while using the computer. If you feel any tension, take a little break!

If you are interested in reading more, you can find this simple information book in the Biblioteca Elemental, or you can read the following two stories about peoples misadventures on the net. 

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Happy surfing!

Mr Kieran