sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013

Pirates? In the Library?

Ahoy Mateys!

If you have been in the Biblioteca General over the past few weeks, you might have noticed a few strange things such as:

Librarians dressed as pirates

and students with eye patches looking for treasure

What´s all this about then? I hear you ask.

Well, we are always looking for new and ingenius ways to teach students how to use the library catalog and especially to use the Destiny Quest  search tool (click for a link to Destiny Quest) and to promote our marvellous collection of books and other resources which are true treasures to be discovered.

So, with this in mind, we devised a cunning treasure hunt complete with clues, treasure maps and prizes.

So far our treasure seekers have been from years 5D 7ABC, 8ABC and 9ABC.  It´s been a lot of fun and a great learning experience.

Here are a few of our fearless treasure hunters:

Until the next time me hearties!

Miss Marie

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2013

Bienvenidos al año escolar 2013-2014

Estimados alumnos:

 Les damos la bienvenida a un nuevo año escolar. Esperamos que hayan pasado unas muy buenas y reponedoras vacaciones y que vengan animosos para estudiar, leer y ser cada día mejores.

Algunas novedades de este año:

Ms. Chadwick now is Mrs. Bürgin

  •  Tenemos un Bibliotecario nuevo. Mr. Kieran Smith reemplazará a Ms. Isabel Chadwick, quien durante el verano se casó y volvió a Inglaterra para formar su familia cerca de los suyos.

    Los dejo con una pequeña presentación que ha escrito Mr. Kieran para ustedes 

Mr. Kieran Smith
VN DON mag
 "Hello, my name is Mr. Kieran. I am from Staffordshire in the middle of England and have worked in public, school and University libraries across England and Wales. I like telling stories, reading books, and exploring information in the library. My favourite children’s book is the "Magic Paintbrush" by Julia Donaldson because it encourages children to dive in and imagine a completely different world. I hope that this year I can help students engage fully with the library and keep trying to be more and more helpful to all of our users." 

Pincha aquí para entrar en el catálogo y leer la reseña que ha hecho Mr. Kieran del libro "Magic Paintbrush"

Este año, hemos inaugurado un rincón para los alumnos de Bachillerato que necesitan prepararse para sus exámenes del Bachillerato Internacional y Selectividad. Como nuestro espacio es reducido, les pedimos desde ya a los alumnos de 5º a 10º que respeten este espacio, ya que es de uso exclusivo para Bachillerato y adultos.

Esperamos que encuentren en Biblioteca un rincón favorito para tener éxito en el colegio.

¡Bienvenidos! Welcome back!

D. Piedad, D. Elvira, Ms. Marie y Mr. Kieran

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

Viaja, Disfruta, Lee: Reto de lectura de verano

Querido lector,

Este verano queremos proponerte un reto muy interesante, que consiste en leer 12 historias diferentes, en diferentes formatos: libros, revistas, blogs, etc., y en diferentes idiomas: español, inglés, francés, alemán, chino, árabe…tú eliges.

Fuente: http://goodereader.com/
Cada lectura terminada, significará que habéis superado una etapa del viaje.

 Todos aquellos intrépidos viajeros que terminen con éxito el Pasaporte, en septiembre, recibirán un diploma y alguna que otra sorpresa más.

Podeís llevaros libros prestados de la Biblioteca, durante el verano para realizar este reto. Pero recordad que la biblioteca estará cerrada entre el 29 de julio y el 18 de agosto.

Descarga aquí tu propio pasaporte lector de verano así como los detalles de este reto.

Desde Biblioteca se ha realizado una selección de libros recomendados para poder afrontar este reto. Los hemos dividido en inglés y español. Cada listado está clasificado en 1º, 2º y 3º ciclo de primaria y a su vez en las 12 etapas del pasaporte. En el listado aparece una parte sombreada que corresponde con los libros que tenemos en Biblioteca, el resto del listado son recomendaciones ajenas al fondo de Biblioteca.

Recomendaciones de lectura de verano en inglés que encontrarás en nuestra Biblioteca:

Descarga aquí el listado completo de recomendaciones de libros en inglés.

Descarga aquí el listado de recomendaciones en español.

 ¡Disfruta el verano y la lectura!

 Con todo cariño,

 D. Elvira, Ms. Isabel, Ms. Marie y D. Piedad

sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

The Book Fair

Hi Folks
I hope you enjoyed The Book Fair on Thursday 6th June.  We had a lot of fun getting everything ready for the day and it was delightful to see students´ work on display.

 We had book reviews in all shapes and sizes and some even good enough to eat!


We also had some excellent book trailers from our year 4s.
Here´s a super one from Maria and Elena of 4ºC advertising:

Not all princesses dress in pink:

On a scarier note take a look at Cesar and Rosendo´s (4ºD) book trailer for:
Into the Woods:

You can find more book trailers by clicking on these links:

Colour me happy
Wake up little rabbit
Fearless three

Book reviews and book trailers are a fabulous way of sharing our enjoyment of books and remember if you want to share a book review or trailer we can put it on our blog.

Have a super week!

Miss Marie

martes, 21 de mayo de 2013

sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

Comics and graphic novels

Good morning readers!

Recently in the library there has been a craze for graphic novels and comics. We've recently expanded our collection of graphic novels, so why not come and check out our new books in the library? If you want to see what we have, go to the library catalogue and do a keyword search for "comics". Here's a few of the books we have available:

If you've already read all the comics and graphic novels in the library or you just fancy trying something different, there are tons of fantastic (free) online graphic novels and comics. Here's a selection of some of my favourites...

            The Wormworld Saga 
Available in a range of languages, the Wormworld Saga is an online graphic novel. It's a story about a young boy who finds a secret doorway into another world in his grandmother's attic - and it's a story about a giant dragon trapped in a mountain, and about the mysterious Firelord who rises from the fires of Worm Mountain.

                          DC comics
Love superheroes? Then this site is for you, it features free comics of characters like Batman, Superman and Green Lantern to read online or to download.

     Turbo Defiant
Available in both Spanish and English,Turbo Defiant is an online fantasy graphic novel illustrated by Dono Sanchez Almara. Full of magic, monsters and robots, it's a thrilling read.

...and something a little bit different...

Fancy trying your hand at writing your own graphic novel? ComicMaster is a great online tool which lets you do just that! Choose your own backgrounds, characters, dialogue and special effects to tell a story YOUR way.

Do you have any comic or graphic novel recommendations to share? Comment on this post and tell everyone about it!

Until next time,

Miss Isabel.

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013

So you think you know Geronimo Stilton?

Hi Folks
The most popular series of books in the library is - you guessed it! Geronimo Stilton! We have a massive collection of these books in Spanish and English. But how much do you know about this loveable mouse?

Find out by taking part in our quick quiz.

1. What is Geronimo Stilton´s job?
a) teacher   b) doctor   c) dentist   d) journalist

2.  What is the name of the island where Geronimo lives?
a) Rat Island   b) Mouse Island   c) Furry Island  d) Mice Island

3.  What is the name of Geronimo´s newspaper?
a) The Mouse Gazette   b) The Cheese Times   c) The Furry News  d) The Rodent´s Gazette

4.  What is the name of Geronimo´s nephew?
a)  Tilda   b) Theo   c)Benjamin   d) Taco

5.  Which is Mouse Island´s most famous painting?
a) The Last Cheese  b) The Mona Mousa  c) The Sunflowers  d)  The Mini Mousa

6.  How many Geronimo Stilton books do we have in the library?
 (You need to check the catalog to find out).
Here´s a clue - type Geronimo Stilton into the Catalog "Find" box and click on "Series".  Then look towards the top left of your screen for the answers (Titles:.....)Catalog Link

Send your quiz answers by using the comment box below.  We will need your name and class group and then write the number of the question and the correct letter eg. 1. a), 2. b) etc.  The names of the winners will be published on the blog.

You can find out more about Geronimo at his own dedicated website. Click here to go to website

Good luck and have a super week!

Miss Marie